Vliianie psikhoanaliza na formirovanie kontseptsii "simvolicheskogo kapitala" i "gabitusa" P'era Burd'e
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society»
- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai 1
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Pages:
- 117-126
- Received: 24 January 2023
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1297
- Published in:
1 Severo-Zapadnyi institut upravleniia FGBOU VO "Rossiiskaia akademiia narodnogo khoziaistva i gosudarstvennoi sluzhby pri Prezidente RF"
DOI: 10.31483/r-105225
In the chapter, based on the works of Z. Freud and J. Lacan, reveals the impact of psychoanalytic theory on the formation of the concepts of «symbolic capital» and «habitus» by Pierre Bourdieu. Sociology does not pretend to replace psychoanalysis with its mode of explanation; it is only a question of constructing certain data differently, which psychoanalysis also takes as its object. Sociology and psychoanalysis act as different, complementary approaches to the same thing, the latter as internal to the former. Psychoanalysis offers a richer set of concepts for analyzing the idiosyncratic meaning that different people attach to general social conditions. Sociology and psychology must join forces, but this will require them to overcome their mutual suspicion, to analyze the genesis of investment in the field of social relations, constituted as an object of investment and concern, as a principle of investment in the social game. Bourdieu's ideas, including the concepts of habitus and symbolic capital, in the course of their further interpenetration with psychoanalytic theories, will open new horizons for understanding social reality.
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