Methodological support of practical training of future teachers

- Published in:
- Proceedings of the conference «University as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)»
- Author:
- Lidiia G. Shestakova 1
- Work direction:
- Проблема организации учебного процесса и методического обеспечения в системе высшей школы
- Pages:
- 269-272
- Received: 16 September 2022
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1229
- Published in:
For citation:
Shestakova L. G. (2022). Methodological support of practical training of future teachers. University as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU), 269-272. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-103362
Practical training includes disciplines (modules), practices and other elements aimed at preparing students for professional activities. The purpose of the article: to describe the methodological support for the practical training of students enrolled in undergraduate programs "Pedagogical Education". Research methods: theoretical analysis of the literature on the topic, understanding the experience of training student teachers, systematization of methodological support, a survey of school teachers and students. The article presents methodological support for individual elements of practical training (the study of methodological disciplines, the implementation of term papers and graduate work, the passage of educational and industrial practices).
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