Socio-psychological adaptation of Russian-speaking immigrants in Finland

All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation «Pedagogy, Psychology, Society»
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All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation «Pedagogy, Psychology, Society»
Anastasiia K. Barteneva 1
Scientific adviser:
Tatiana A. Bergis1
Work direction:
Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии
Received: 20 July 2022

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1 FGBOU VO "Tol'iattinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"
For citation:
Barteneva A. K. (2022). Socio-psychological adaptation of Russian-speaking immigrants in Finland. Pedagogy, Psychology, Society, 238-242. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


ANNOTATION The article reveals the reasons and conditions for the integration of Russian-speaking migrants to Finland. The psychological components of the socio-psychological adaptation of Russian-speaking immigrants who moved to Finland at different ages are considered. The main way and the key to integration into Finnish society, which unites all migrants and on which the Finnish state places great emphasis, is revealed. The objectives of the Finnish "Law on the Promotion of Integration in Finland" are described, as well as an individual integration plan, the objectives and timing of the adaptation program in Finland. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are described, what kind of psychological support and psychological assistance the Finnish state can provide at the early stages of integration and how it can contribute to improving the conditions of socio-psychological adaptation of Russian-speaking migrants in Finland.


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