Psychological and pedagogical aspects of management in the education system of the penal system

DOI: 10.31483/r-102404
Open Access
Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
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Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
Timur R. Sakhautdinov 1
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Психологические аспекты социально-педагогического сопровождения детей и подростков разных категорий в образовательном процессе
Received: 13 May 2022

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1 FKPOU 145 Federal'noi sluzhby ispolneniia nakazanii
For citation:
Sakhautdinov T. R. (2022). Psychological and pedagogical aspects of management in the education system of the penal system. Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region, 228-231. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article deals with topical issues of the development of psychological and pedagogical support for teaching staff in educational institutions of the penal system. It seems to be an urgent and promising direction to create the necessary situations for the professional education of persons serving sentences in the form of imprisonment, to improve educational work with convicts, to preserve and strengthen the working personnel of the penitentiary system. In accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 03/24/2020 No. 59 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization of vocational education and secondary vocational education of persons who are sentenced to imprisonment and serving sentences in institutions of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation", the necessity of obtaining vocational education and secondary vocational education by convicts is justified. Vocational education has a huge creative potential, and ..


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