Improving the quality of managerial decision-making when responding to leashes with the help of information and analytical support

III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists «Topical issues of law, economic and management»
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III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists «Topical issues of law, economic and management»
Nikita E. Aleksandrov 1
Scientific adviser:
Dmitrij N. Ermakov2
Work direction:
Менеджмент и маркетинг
Received: 28 March 2022

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Published in:
1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
2 Tsentr mirovoi politiki i strategicheskogo analiza FGBUN "Institut Kitaia i sovremennoi Azii RAN"
For citation:
Aleksandrov N. E. (2022). Improving the quality of managerial decision-making when responding to leashes with the help of information and analytical support. Topical issues of law, economic and management, 10-14. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article describes the problem of improving the quality of managerial decision-making when using information and predictive systems in response to floods. The article uses system and model research methods. As a result, it was proposed to expand predictive models by the modern method of interpretation of SHAP and to include consideration of its results in the process of making managerial decisions when responding to floods.


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