Education in the Post-Reform Era: new Educational Realities of Russia

All-Russian scientific conference «The Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology»
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All-Russian scientific conference «The Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology»
Sergei L. Danilchenko 1
Work direction:
История и перспективы развития образования в контексте педагогической компетенциологии
Received: 13 January 2022

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1 Institut obshchestvennykh nauk i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii FGAOU VO "Sevastopol'skii gosudarstvennyi universitet"
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The implementation of bourgeois reforms, the abolition of serfdom were an objective incentive for the acquisition of knowledge by the most numerous class of Russian society - the peasantry. A major role in the development of primary education was played by three-year zemstvo schools, created with modest funds from the local budget and donations from ascetics. Under the influence of the rapid development of the economy, the state is taking the most important step in the secondary education system - making the transition from real classes to real gymnasiums. The post-reform era is a time of successful development of pedagogical science.


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